Curricula & Methodology


Training Tools and Methodology

Training in the various Courses is imparted by adopting the following Methodologies :-

  1. Regular Classroom lectures on specified subjects;
  2. By holding Group Discussion exercises;
  3. Through Audio-Visual aids such as use of Power-Point in Classroom;
  4. Projector based Internet facility for instantly exposing the latest positions on any given law or relevant subject to one whole batch of Trainees;
  5. By asking the Trainees to make their individual presentations on selected topics of concern and importance to the entire batch; This is with a view to train them for preparing on any given subject and also to be able to speak on the same before a large group.
  6. Mid-term Course Review Sessions are held generally once in a fortnight in (Longer duration) Induction Courses to ascertain that the Course has been proceeding satisfactorily, and to identify the method / scheme to be followed in the remainder of the Course, in view of the TNA (Training Needs Analysis) of the Trainees.


Gist of Inputs during Training Programme in


  1. A.   Non-Academic Training and Activities


1. The Trainees in all Courses are exposed to working on Computers and specially made to use the Internet freely in order to enable them to locate relevant Case Laws during the Course of their Training, as well as for actual Judicial work.

2.Sessions of Yoga / Meditation are conducted under the guidance of a qualified Yoga expert in the morning of each working day.

3.In addition, the Trainees use the Sports and Gym facilities provided to them in the Academy apart from other recreational facilities like Carom and Cable T.V.

B. Academic Input

(Common to all Courses)

Core Subjects

  1. Basic Constitutional Values and Constitution of India (Selected Articles);
  2. Judicial Ethics, norms and behaviour ;
  3. Civil Procedure Code with Amendments;
  4. Criminal Procedure Code (Selected Chapters for each Target Group)
  5. Law of Evidence;

II. Course Specific Focus

(In addition to the Core Inputs mentioned above)

1) Orientation Course (for Civil Judges (Sr. Div.) / CJMs/ACJMs/CMMs/ACMMs)  

a.       Civil Side

  1.               Civil Appeals;
  2.               Law of Succession;
  3.               ransfer of Property Act;
  4.               WBLR Act;
  5.                Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987;
  6.                Registration Act;
  7.               Specific Relief Act;
  8.                Partition Suits;
  9.                Law of Easements;

  b.       Criminal Side

  1.                 Provisions of Bail;
  2.                 Sessions Trials;
  3.                 Arms Act;
  4.                 IPC – (a) Offences against the State;

                                  (b) Offences against human body

                                    (Sessions triable);

                                 (c)  Offences against Property (Sessions triable);

  1.                 Juvenile Justice Act;
  2.                 Probation of Offenders Act

c. Specialised Inputs on :-

  1.                   N.I. Act, (Sections 138 to 147);
  2.                   Environmental Laws including Forest and  Wildlife Protection Act;
  3.                  Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine;
  4.                  Cyber Crime cases and IT Act.


III. Orientation Course for Officers in Fast Track Courts

Apart from revisiting the various inputs on the Civil and Criminal side as mentioned for Civil Judge (Sr. Div.)/CJM level Officers, extra focus to be on the following Topics:-

    a. Civil Side

  1.                Adoption and Maintenance Act;
  2.                 Guardians and Wards Act;
  3.                 Minority and Guardianship Act;
  4.                 Matrimonial Laws including Hindu Marriage Act,      Special Marriage Act, Indian Divorce Act etc.;
  5.                 Motor Accident Claim Cases;
  6.                 LA Act (Specified Provisions);
  7.                 Arbitration and Conciliation Act;

b. Criminal Side

  1.                 Criminal Appeals and Revisions;
  2.                 Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
  3.                 Bail Provisions with special focus on Sections 438 and 439 Cr.P.C.;
  4.                  IPC – (a) Offences against the State;

                      (b) Offences against human body (Sessions      triable);

                     (c)  Offences against Property (Sessions triable);                 5.                Juvenile Justice Act    

     6.              Probation of Offenders Act


c. Specialised Inputs

  1.                Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine;
  2.                NDPS Act;
  3.                Cyber Crime Cases / IT Act;


IV. Refresher Course (for Civil Judges (Jr. Div.)/Judicial Magistrates

Basic Focus

  1.               Constitutional Values and Philosophy
  2.              Judicial Ethics; Norms and behaviour in Court and outside;
  3.             Jurisprudence Concepts;
  4.             Court and Office management;
  5.             Treasury and Financial Rules;
  6.             English Language and usage / power of expression;
  7.             C.R.O. and Cr.RO.

Law Inputs

  1.               Basic Provisions of CPC and effect of Amendments in 2002;
  2.              Transfer of Property Act;
  3.              West Bengal Premises Tenancy Act;
  4.              Specific Relief Act;
  5.              Land Laws / WBLR Act with special focus on “Preemption”;
  6.               Law of Contracts;
  7.              Registration Act;
  8.              Mohammedan Law (Succession);
  9.              Law of Easements;
  10.              Law of Evidence (Specified Provisions);
  11.              IPC Overview;
  12.              Cr.P.C. Overview with special focus on :-

                       (a)   Process  to compel attendance;

                       (b)  Complaints and Criminal Trials (Summons,      Warrant and Summary);

                       (c)  Framing of Charge / Discharging the accused;

                       (d)  Chapter XIV Cr.P.C.

                       (e)   Conclusion of Trial;

                       (f)    Examination U/S 313;

                       (g)   Recording Statements and Confessions U/S. 164 Cr.P.C.

                       (h)  Bond Forfeiture and proceeding U/S. 446 Cr.P.C.     

     13.            Dowry Prohibition Act;  

      14.            Protection of Women  against Domestic Violence Act;

     15.            Probation of Offenders Act;  

     16.           NI Act (Specified provisions);  

     17.            Railways and RPUP Acts; 

    18.          Environmental Law with special focus on Forest Act;     

    19.           Arms Act;  

     20.            Juvenile Justice Act 

    21.            Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act;

Specialised Inputs

  1.             Arts of writing Civil and Criminal Judgments
  2.             Order writing
  3.             Identifying and Framing issues.                                
  4.             Framing of Charge
  5.             Forensic Science & Medicine


V. Induction Training Programme (Phase-III) for District Judge (Entry Level) Officers

  1. Apart from the Topics specified in the Orientation Course specially for Officers in Fast Track Courts, the Trainees in this Course who are all direct District Judge (Entry Level) Officers, would be required to report  individually on the work they have been doing during their attachment in the District in the intervening period after termination of Phase-I;

      2.  Special emphasis is proposed to be given on :-

a)     Writing Judgments;

b)    Order Writing Exercises;

c)     Charge Framing u/s. 228 Cr.P.C.;

d)    Examination of the Accused u/s. 313 Cr.P.C.;

e)     Sensitisation regarding handling of re-conciliation proceedings in Matrimonial Suits;


     3. The Trainees would also be required to make their own DAPs and ESPs (District Assignment Presentations and Experience Sharing Presentations) before their colleagues in the Batch so as to acquaint each other more closely with the ground level situation in the District Courts and the Field dynamics involved.


    4. Additional Inputs :- Additional inputs are proposed to be provided on the following topics :-

a)     Mental Health Act;

b)    Guardians and Wards Act;

c)     Indian Succession Act;

d)    Marriage and Divorce Act;

e)     Hindu Law relating to Succession, Adoption, Maintenance, Hindu and Guardianship Act;

f)      Muslim Law relating to Succession, Pre-emption, Maintenance, Minority and Guardianship Act;

g)     Prevention of Corruption Act and Special focus on Section 409 I.P.C.;

h)     Prevention of Atrocities (SC/ST) Act; Protection of Civil Rights Act

VI. Induction Course for Civil Judges (Junior Division)/ Judicial Magistrates

This is a long Flagship course running into ten (10) weeks in which participants are all Freshers. They therefore need extensive exposure to Court procedure, Establishment work, Office Administration, own conduct and demeanour etc. at basic level.  In addition, they require sufficient exposure to the legal Statutes applicable in the original trial Courts on the Civil and Criminal Side, as also acquaintance regarding the methodology of handling and controlling Court Proceedings.

Consequently, inputs are proposed to be provided to the Trainees greater detail for all the Topics otherwise included in the Refresher Course for Civil Judges (Junior Division) / Judicial Magistrates, which are as follows :-

(1)     Country and the People

1)    Social and Cultural History

2)    Sociology

3)    Language

4)    Environment – Ecology

5)    Psychology

6)    Human Resource Management

(2)    Constitutional Philosophy and Values

(1) History of Constitution

(2) Basic Structure

(3) Fundamental Rights

(4) Fundamental Duties

(5) Directives, Principles with special focus on Article 39A

(6) Separation of Powers

(7) Protection of Civil Liberties

(3) Functions and Management of Courts and different Offices

  1. Civil Rules and Orders
  2. Criminal Rules and Orders
  3. Functions of Nazarat with special focus on service of process
  4. Functions of Copying Department and Registers maintained
  5. Accounts Rules and functions of Accounts Sections
  6. Functions of DRR
  7. Disposal of Witnesses
  8. Maintenance of different Registers in the Civil Rules and Criminal Rules
  9. Service Rules
  10.  Treasury Rules
  11. D.D.O. Manuals
  12. A special focus on Store Purchase
  13. Inspection of Courts and Offices


(4) Law Inputs

(A) Basic Laws

 1. Jurisprudence - Basic Principles

 2. Civil Procedure Code - Basic provisions of CPC and effect of Amendments in 2002, with special focus on :-

       i. Frame of Suits and Parties to Suit (O.1 and II, CPC);

      ii. Issuance of Summons (O.V, CPC);

     iii. Appearance of Parties and consequences of Non-appearance (O.IX, CPC);

     iv. Pleadings - Plaint, Written Statement and Countersign (O.VI, VII & VIII, CPC);

     v. Examination of Parties, Admission, Denial and Interrogatories (O.X & XI CPC);

    vi.Compromise and Withdrawal (O. XXIII along with special emphasis on Section 89, CPC);

     vii. Settlement of Issues (O.XIV, CPC) and Determination of Suit on Issue of Law;

      viii.    Commissions (O. XXVI, CPC);

      ix.    Substitution, Abatement (O. XXII,CPC)

      x.     Suits involving the Government (Section 79 to 82 and O.XXVII CPC);

      xi.    Suits by and on behalf of Minors and Persons of unsound mind (O. XXXII,);

     xii.    Summoning and attending of Witnesses (O.XVI, CPC)

     xiii.     Adjournments (O.XVII, CPC)

     xiv.    Hearing of Suit and Examination of Witnesses (O. XVIII);

     xv.     Affidavits (O. XIX);

     xvi.   Judgment and Decree (O.XX);

     xvii.   Costs (Sections 33 and 35 A; O.XX A);

     xviii.   Execution (Part-II and O.XXI, CPC);

      xix.   Arrest and Attachment before Judgment (O.XXXVIII)

      xx.    Temporary Injunction and Interlocutory Orders (O.XXXIX)

      xxi.    Receivers (O. XL)

3. Criminal Procedure Code

Overview with special focus on :

  1. Definitions (Chapter –I)
  2. Constitution of Criminal Codes and Powers of Courts and Jurisdiction (Chapter –II,III & 13)
  3. Process  to compel appearance (Chapter –VI)
  4. Maintenance of Wives, Children and Parents (Chapter –XI)
  5. Police Investigation (Chapter –II)
  6. Initiation of Proceedings ((Chapter – XIV)
  7. Complaints (Chapter XV)
  8. Commencement of Proceedings (Chapter –XVI)
  9. Commitment (Chapter –XVI)
  10. Framing of Charges etc. (Chapter –XVII)
  11. Trial of Warrant cases, Summons cases, cases and summary trial by Magistrates (Chapter –XIX, XX, XI)
  12. Plea Bargaining (Chapter – XIA)
  13. Evidence in enquiries and trial (Chapter –XXII
  14. General Provisions (Chapter – XXIV) 
  15. Provisions as to accused persons of unsound mind (Chapter – XXV)  
  16. Judgment (Chapter – XXVII)  
  17. Provisions as to Bail and Bonds (Chapter – XXXIII)
  18. Disposal of Property (Chapter – XXXIV)  
  19. Limitation (Chapter – XXXVI)

(4). Indian Penal Code

  1. Important Definitions (Chapter – II)
  2. Punishments (Chapter –III)
  3. General Exceptions (Selected portions of Chapter – XIV)
  4. Abetment and Conspiracy (Chapter – V V-A)
  5. Offences against public tranquility (Chapter –VIII)
  6. False Evidence and offences against Public Justice (Chapter –XI)                                   
  7. Offences of Counter-fitting coins and Government Stamps (Chapter – XII)
  8. Offences relating to Religion (Chapter –XV)
  9. Offences against the Human Bodies (Magistrate trial in Chapter XVI)
  10. Offence against Property (Magistrate trial in Chapter XVII)
  11. Forgery, Cheating etc. (Chapter –XVIII)
  12. Cruelty against wife (Chapter – XX-A)


(5). Evidence Act

  1. Definitions
  2. Relevancy and admissibility of evidence
  3. Oral evidence  documentary evidence
  4. Burden of proof
  5. Estoppel
  6. Witnesses and examination of witnesses with special focus on the powers of the Court
  7. Appreciation of Evidence


(6) Transfer of Property Act

  1. Basic Principles – Rules against Perpetuity, Transfer Restraining Alienation, Condition Restraining Alienation, Vested Interest, Contingent Interest etc.
  2. Sales of Immovable Property
  3. Mortgage of Immovable Property
  4. Lease and Licence
  5. Exchange of Immovable Property
  6. Gift of Immovable Property
  7. Part Performance
  8. Lis Pendence


(B) Other Important Civil laws

  1.   West Bengal Premises Tenancy Act;
  2.   Specific Relief Act;
  3.   Land Laws / WBLR Act with special focus on “Preemption”;
  4.   Registration Act;
  5.   Law of Easements;
  6.   General Clauses Act;
  7.   Limitation Act;
  8.   Tortious Liability
  9.   Interpretation of Statutes


(C) Other Important Criminal Laws

  1.   Dowry Prohibition Act;
  2.   Protection of Women  against Domestic Violence Act;
  3.   Probation of Offenders Act;
  4.   NI Act (Specified provisions);
  5.    Railways and RPUP Acts;
  6.   Environmental Law with special focus on Forest Act;
  7.   Arms Act;
  8.   Juvenile Justice Act;
  9.   Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act;
  10.   Forensic Science & Medicine.

(D)  Commercial Laws

1)Law of Contracts

2) Law of Sale of Goods

3) Law of Higher Purchase

4) Law of Bailment and Pledge

5) Laws of Trade marks and Copyrights

                                            (E) Family Laws

  1. Inheritance in Hindu law and Mohammedan law
  2. Law of Marriage and Divorce in Mohammedan law
  3. Will, Probate, letter of administration, Succession Certificate etc – Indian Succession Act.


(F) Specialised Practical Works

      1.Writing Civil and Criminal Judgments;

      2. Writing Judgments / Orders in Preemption Cases;

      3. Writing Orders in Injunction, Maintenance, Substitution matters etc.;

     4. Identifying and Framing of Issues;

    5. Writing Final Orders in relation to Preliminary Issues of law;

    6. Writing Orders on Bail Petitions;

   7.Recording Plea of Accused U/S. 251 Cr.P.C.;

    8. Framing of Charge;

    9. Discharging U/S. 245 Cr.P.C.;

    10. Examining the Accused U/S. 313 Cr.P.C.

     11. Visits to –

            (a)  Forensic Sciences Laboratory

               (b)     Mortuary

            (c)     Correctional Home – for practical Training


[For freshly recruited Officers]

Assignments for Court Attachment

  1. Maintaining a Daily Diary of the work done, and on observations about the work done in the Court;
  2. Sitting in Court along with a Judge as chosen by the District Judge and observation the Proceedings, taking brief Notes;

Also writing Judgments independently in two of the Cases whose arguments are heard presence of the Trainee Officer.

     3. Getting copies of  Ten different types of disposed off Case Records  (Preferably disposed off during the Trainees' attachment) for discussion and analysis in the Academy:-


 4.  Visit to the following Departments/Sections in the District Court and making notes on the working system there, along with observations regarding how it can be improved :-

a)      Accounts Department,

b)     Nezareth / Process –Serving,

c)      Copying Department,

d)     DLSA ,

e)      English Department,

f)       District Record Room


5.  Attending the monthly Lok Adalats as well as Legal Awareness Camps held during the period of Court attachment, and make notes of the Trainees' observations of the same.

[The Diary, Copies of Case Records, Judgments, notes and observations required above are to be submitted in the Academy on  return in the next Training Phase for assessment.]


6. Identifying the areas which need to be addressed in the Course of Phase-III Training in the Academy, and intimating the Academy accordingly.

Source: Official Website of WBJA, Last Updated on 12-03-2025

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