Study Tours


1. Trainees are also taken out for Field sensitisation and Study Tours.  In 2011-12, a start was made by taking the Civil Judge (Junior Division) Trainees for Environmental and Forest sensitisation and Field study in the Sunderbans.  Similar Study Tours in the Districts as well as other (Best Practices) States such as Delhi, Maharashtra, Karnataka etc. are on the anvil.

2. Officers undergoing 'Induction Level Training Course' for Civil Judge(Junior Division)/ Judicial Magistrate , 2012-13, went on an educational tour to Sundarban for their sentisization on Forest laws, Wild Life Protection and Biodiversity . With the cooperation of the Field Director, Sundarban Tiger Reserve, a workshop was held for the Trainee Officers at Sajnekhali  Interpretation Centre on 19-03-2013.

3. Jharkhand Judicial Academy at Ranchi– 29.09.2013 to 02.10.2013- Civil Judge (Junior Division) – visit Jharkhand Judicial Academy and the courts situated at Ranchi and Bokharo

4. District of Jalpaiguri – 13th  to 16th of December, 2013 – District Judge (Entry Level)- for an empirical study on the problems faced by the Tea Plantation Labourers and also meeting the State Officers of Labour Department.

5. District of Jalpaiguri – 18th to 20th of June, 2014 -Civil Judge (Junior Division)-for an empirical study on the problems faced by the Tea Plantation Labourers regarding payment of minimum wages under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.

6. District of Darjeeling - 13th to 18th of December, 2014 – District Judge (Entry Level) – For an empirical study about the compliance of the Order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India passed vide its Order dated 06.08.2010 in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 365 of 2006 (International Union of Food and Agricul and Others Vs. Union of India and Others), wherein the Hon’be Apex Court has been pleased to direct the Government of India to carry out its statutory duties under Tea Act, 1953 in terms of Sections 16B, 16C, 16D and 16E within a period of six months from the  date of the Order.

7. Sunderban – 27th to 29th of April, 2015- Civil Judge (Junior Division)-  for sensitising them on Forest Laws, Wildlife Laws, Bio Diversity etc.

8. Sunderban – 4th to 6th of April, 2016- Civil Judge (Junior Division)-  for sensitising them on Forest Laws, Wildlife Laws, Bio Diversity etc

9. Educational Tour to Chalsa, Jalpaiguri -- 4th to 8th of June, 2016 -- Civil Judge (Senior Division)

Source: Official Website of WBJA, Last Updated on 12-03-2025

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