Useful Statute



  1. Current Acts
  2. Family Law
  3. Legal and Professional Law
  4. Repealed Act
  5. Banking Laws
  6. Criminal Laws
  7. Railways Laws
  8. IT Laws
  9. Foreign and Foreign Exchange Laws
  10. Medical and Health Laws
  11. Environmental Laws
  12. Human Rights Laws
  13. Laws relating to National Honour
  14. Tax Laws
  15. Intellectual Property Law
  16. Service and Labour Laws
  17. Political and Election Laws
  18. Public and related Laws
  19. Corporate Laws
  20. Miscellaneous


1.The Cigarettes and other Tobacco products (Prohibition of Advertisement And Regulation of Trade And Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) (Amendment) Bill 2015

2.Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill, 2014

3.The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012

4.The Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2014

5.The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Bill, 2015

6.The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Ordinance - 2014

7.The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Ordinance, 2014

8.The Citizenship (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015

9.Gazette Notification regarding The Negotiable Instruments(Amendment) Ordinance, 2015

10.The Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Second Ordinance, 2015

11.The State Emblem of India (Prohibition of Improper Use) Rules -2007

12.The Gender Sensitisation and Sexual Harassment of Women at The Supreme Court of India (Prevention Prohibition and Redressal) Regulations, 2013

13.The West Bengal Right to Public Services Rules, 2013

14.Bar Council of India, Certificate of Practice and Renewal Rules, 2014

15.The High Court and The Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill, 2015

16.The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill - 2010  (Regarding surrogacy issues)

17.Draft Model Rules, 2016 under The Juvenile Justice(Care and protection of Children) Act, 2015.

18.Trafficking of persons (Prevention, Protection and  Rehabilitation) Bill, 2016 - DRAFT

19.Bar Council of India Certificate and Place of Practice (Verification) Rules-2015.

20.Drugs and cosmetics (IInd Amendment) Rules, 2005

21.The Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill,  2013

22.The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2013

23.The Constitution  (One Hundred and Twenty-Second Amendment) Bill, 2014(GST Bill)

24.Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropics Substances (3rd Amendment) Rules, 2015

25.NDPS (Amendment)Rules 2011

26.The Mental Health Care Bill - 2013

27.The Waqf Properties(Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants),  Bill, 2014

28.NDPS (Regulation of controlled substances) Order, 2013

29.NDPS Amendment Rules, 2010

30.West Bengal Services Death-cum-Retirement Benefit Rules-1971

31.The Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015

32.Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2016

33.The Air (Prevention and control of pollution) Rules, 1982

34.The Environment(Protection) Rules, 1986

35.The Indian Medical  Council (Amendment ) Ordinance, 2016

36.The Passport Rules, 1980

37.The Revised Dentist (Code of Ethics) Regulations, 2014

38.The Notaries Rules, 1956

39. The West Bengal Prisoners' Welfare Fund Rules, 2008

40. The Poison Act-1919

41. NDPS (Seizure, Storage, Sampling and Disposal) rules, 2022

Source: Official Website of WBJA, Last Updated on 12-03-2025

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