Notice inviting quotation for supplying of printed certificates for two years
Filling up the post of Judicial Member in Railway Claims Tribunal
Notice inviting quotation from reputed Chartered Accountancy Firm for audit
Newsletter of the e-Committee, Supreme Court of India for the month of January, 2024
Inaugural Issue of Newsletter of West Bengal Judicial Academy
1. The West Bengal Clinical Establishments (Registration, Regulation and Transparency) Act, 2017
2. The West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act, 2013
3. The West Bengal Right To Public Services Act, 2013
4. The West Bengal Tax on Entry of Goods Into Local Areas Act, 2012
5. The West Bengal University Laws (Amendment) Act, 2011
6. The West Bengal Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Act, 2007
7. The West Bengal Transport Infrastructure Development Act, 2002
8. The Murshidabad Estate (Management of Properties) and miscellaneous provisions Act, 1980
9. The West Bengal Government Premises (Regulation of Occupancy) Act, 1984
10. The West Bengal Land Reforms And Tenancy Tribunal Act, 1997
11. The West Bengal Inland Fisheries Act, 1984
12. The West Bengal Premises Tenancy Act, 1997
13. The West Bengal Cooperative Societies Act, 2006
14. The West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 1983
15. The Howrah Municipal Corporation Act,1980
16. The West Bengal Universities (Control of Expenditure) (Cessation of Application) Act, 1979
17. The Gangasagar Mela Act, 1976
18. The Paschim Banga Unani System of Medicine Act, 1979
20. The West Bengal Council Of Higher Secondary Education Act, 1975
21. The West Bengal Central Valuation Board Act, 1978
22. The West Bengal College Service Commission Act, 1978
23. The West Bengal College Teachers (Security of Service) Act, 1975
24. The West Bengal Colleges (Payment of Salaries ) Act, 1978
25. The West Bengal Government Premises (Tenancy Regulation) Act, 1976
26. The West Bengal Government Townships (Extension Of Civic Amenities) Act, 1975
27. The West Bengal Land (Requisition and Acquisition) Re-Enacting Act, 1977
28. The West Bengal Legislative Assembly Proceedings (Protection of Publication) Act, 1978
29. The West Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax Act, 1979
30. The West Bengal Nationalised Text-Books Act, 1977
32. The West Bengal Prevention of Defacement of Property Act, 1976
33. The West Bengal Public Libraries Act, 1979
34. The West Bengal Relief of Rural Indebtedness Act, 1975
35. The West Bengal Requisitioning of Vehicles Act, 1979
36. The West Bengal Restriction On Construction In Unsafe Areas Act, 1979
37. The West Bengal Rural Employment And Production Act, 1976
38. The West Bengal Rural Indebtedness Relief Act, 1975
40. The West Bengal Scheduled Castes Development And Finance Corporation Act, 1976
41. The West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1979
42. The West Bengal Town and Country (Planning and Development) Act, 1979
43. The West Bengal Transport Undertakings (Prevention of Ticketless Travel) Act, 1975
44. The West Bengal Universities (Control of Expenditure) Act, 1976
46. The West Bengal (Compulsory Censorship Of Film Publicity Materials) Act, 1974
47. The West Bengal Agricultural Credit Operations Act, 1973
48. The West Bengal Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act, 1972
49. The West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act, 1972
50. The West Bengal Court-Fees Act, 1970
51. The West Bengal Duty on Inter-State River Valley Authority Electricity Act, 1973
52. The West Bengal Entertainments and Luxuries (Hotels and Restaurants) Tax Act, 1972
53. The West Bengal Housing Board Act, 1972
54. The West Bengal Industrial Infra-Structure Development Corporation Act, 1974
55. The West Bengal Irrigation (Imposition of Water Rate) Act, 1974
56. The West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1974
57. The West Bengal Maintenance of Public Order Act, 1972
58. The West Bengal Molasses Control Act, 1973
59. The West Bengal Panchayat Act, 1973
60. The West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973
61. The West Bengal Restoration of Alienated Land Act, 1973
62. The West Bengal Separation of Judicial and Executive Functions Act, 1970
63. The West Bengal Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance) Act, 1972
64. The West Bengal State Tubewell and Lift Irrigation Act, 1974
65. The West Bengal Tanks (Acquisition of Irrigation Rights) Act, 1974
66. The West Bengal Vaccination Act, 1973
67. The West Bengal WorkMen's House Rent Allowance Act, 1974
68. The Calcutta Metropolitan Water and Sanitation Authority Act, 1966
69. The Calcutta Tramways Company (Taking Over of Management) Act, 1967
70. The Indian Red Cross Society (Bengal Branch) (Validation) Act, 1964
71. The West Bengal Acquisition and Settlement of Homestead Land Act, 1969
72. The West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Act, 1963
73. The West Bengal Cold Storage (Licensing and Regulation) Act, 1966
74. The West Bengal Comprehensive Area Development Act, 1974
75. The West Bengal Corneal Grafting Act, 1965
76. The West Bengal Fisheries (Requisition and Acquisition) Act, 1965
77. The West Bengal Highways Act, 1964
78. The West Bengal Homoeopathic System of Medicine Act, 1963
79. The West Bengal Land-Revenue and Cess (Apportionment) Act, 1963
80. The West Bengal Mining Settlements (Health and Welfare) Act, 1964
81. The West Bengal Non-Trading Corporations Act, 1965
82. The West Bengal Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act, 1969
83. The West Bengal Shops and Establishments Act, 1963
84. The West Bengal Traffic Regulation Act, 1965
85. The West Bengal Utilisation of Land for Production of Food Crops Act, 1969
86. The West Bengal Warehouses Act, 1963
87. The West Bengal Zilla Parishads Act, 1963
88. The Bengal Official Language Act, 1961
89. The Bengal Public Demands Recovery (Validation of Certificates and Notices) Act, 1961
90. The City Civil Court Act, 1953
91. The Howrah Improvement Act, 1956
91a. West Bengal Premises Tenancy Act, 1956
92. The Paschim Banga Ayurvedic System of Medicine Act, 1961
93. The Prohibition of Smoking In Passenger Vehicles Act, 1953
94. The West Bengal Agricultural Lands and Fisheries (Acquisition and Resettlement) Act, 1958
95. The West Bengal Alienation of Land (Regulation) Act, 1960
96. The West Bengal Anti-Profiteering Act, 1958
97. The West Bengal Development Corporation Act, 1954
98. The West Bengal Estates Acquisition Act, 1953
99. The West Bengal Gambling and Prize Competitions Act, 1957
100. The West Bengal Home Guards Act, 1962
102. The West Bengal Khadi and Village Industries Board Act, 1959
103. The West Bengal Land Reforms Act, 1955
104. The West Bengal Lifts and Escalators Act, 1955
105. The West Bengal Livestock Improvement Act, 1954
106. The West Bengal Panchayat Act, 1957
108. The West Bengal Public Land (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1962
109. The West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961
110. The West Bengal Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforcement) Act, 1958
111. The West Bengal Veterinary Practitioners Act, 1960
112. The West Bengal Wild Life Preservation Act, 1959
113. The Bengal Touts Act, 1942
114. The Bengal Vagrancy Act, 1943
115. The West Bengal Animal Slaughter Control Act, 1950
116. The West Bengal Clinical Establishments Act, 1950
117. The West Bengal Drugs (Control) Act, 1950
118. The West Bengal Evacuee Property Act, 1951
119. The West Bengal Fire Services Act, 1950
120. The West Bengal Land Development and Planning Act, 1948
121. The West Bengal National Volunteer Force Act, 1949
122. The West Bengal Police Act, 1952
123. The Bengal Excise Act, 1909
124. The Bengal Excise (Amendment) Act, 2012
125. The Bengal Wakf Act, 1934
126. The Calcutta Survey Act, 1887
127. The Bengal, Agra and Assam Civil Courts Act, 1887
127A. The Bengal, Agra and Assam Civil Courts (West Bengal Amendment) Act, 2000
128. The Bengal Waterways Act, 1934
129. The Bengal Opium Smoking Act, 1932
130. The Bengal Nurses Act, 1934
131. The Bengal Money-Lenders Act, 1940
132. The Bengal Excise Act, 1909
133. The Bengal Ferries Act, 1885
134. The Bengal Muhammadan Marriages and Divorces Registration Act, 1876
135. The Bengal Public Demands Recovery Act, 1913
136. The Bengal Survey Act, 1875
137. The Bengal Tramways Act, 1883
138. The Calcutta Police Act, 1898
139. The Calcutta Port Act, 1890
140. The Howrah Bridge Act, 1926
141. The Land Acquisition Act, 1894
142. The Presidency Small Cause Courts Act, 1882
143. The Presidency-Towns Insolvency Act, 1909
145. The Rabindra Bharati Act, 1981
146. The West Bengal Mazdoor, Tindal, Loader, Godownman and other Workers
147. The Vidyasagar University Act, 1981
148. The North Bengal University Act, 1981
149. The Kolkata Thika Tenancy (Acquisition and Regulation) Act, 1981
150. The Kalyani University Act, 1981
151. The Jadavpur University Act, 1981
152. The Burdwan University Act, 1981
153. The Berhampore Electric Supply Company Limited (Undertaking) Acquisition Act, 1981
154. The Barakar Electric Supply Installations Acquisition Act, 1981
155. The Sadar and Subdivisional Hospitals Act, 1955
156. The R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital Act, 1958
157. The Kolkata Municipal Corporation Act, 1980
158. The Hoogly River Bridge Act, 1969
159. The Calcutta University Act, 1979
160. The Calcutta Tramways Company (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act, 1976
161. The Calcutta Sheriff's Act, 1948
162. The Calcutta National Medical College and Hospital Act, 1967
163. The Calcutta High Court (Jurisdictional Limits) Act, 1919
164. The West Bengal Right to Public Services Rules, 2013
165. The West Bengal Correctional services Act, 1992
166. The West Bengal Prisoners' Welfare Fund Rules, 2008
167. The Criminal Law (Industrial Areas) Amendment Act, 1942,( Bengal Act No. IV of 1942)
169. The Bengal General Clauses Act, 1899
171. The Indian Stamp Act, 1899
172. The West Bengal Co-Operative Societies (Amendment) Act, 2010
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