Notice inviting quotation for supplying of printed certificates for two years
Filling up the post of Judicial Member in Railway Claims Tribunal
Notice inviting quotation from reputed Chartered Accountancy Firm for audit
Newsletter of the e-Committee, Supreme Court of India for the month of January, 2024
Inaugural Issue of Newsletter of West Bengal Judicial Academy
1) One day Seminar on “Principle of Diversion” held on 02.04.2023 conducted by West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Government of West Bengal in collaboration with WBJA in the august presence of Hon’ble Justice Ananya Bandyopadhyay, Judge, High Court at Calcutta, Hon’ble Dr. Shashi Panja, Minister in charge, Department of Women and Child Development and Social Welfare, West Bengal and other dignitaries.
2) Sensitisation/Orientation Programme for the Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities held on 20th & 21st of April, 2023 in the august presence of Hon’ble Mr. Justice T.S.Sivagnanam, Chief Justice, High Court at Calcutta.
3) Symposium in both physical and online mode for collecting feedback regarding conducting cases relating to human trafficking held on 28.06.2023 in the august presence of Hon’ble Justice Ananya Bandyopadhyay, Judge, High Court at Calcutta, District Judges and Chief Judicial Magistrates of West Bengal and other dignitaries.
4) Two Days Residential Training Programme for all the Secretaries, DLSAs held on 27th & 28th July, 2023 in the august presence of Hon’ble Mr. Justice T.S.Sivagnanam, Chief Justice, High Court at Calcutta and Hon’ble Mr. Justice I.P. Mukerji, Judge, High Court, Calcutta.
5) Symposium on the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 in collaboration with the Women and Child Development and Social Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal held on 05.08.2023 .
6) Seminar on “Overview of Cyber Crime: Trends and Challenges including Bank Frauds” held on 08/10/2022.
7) 40 hours Mediation training programme for the eligible Judicial Officers of the State of West Bengal and Andaman & Nicobar Islands in two phases under the aegis of the MCPC- from 30.10.2023 to 03.11.2023 and from 06.11.2023 to 10.11.2023.
E-Committee Special Drive Training & Outreach Programmes
1) ECT training is being imparted to the Civil Judge(Junior Division) on probation 2020 batch during their Induction Level Training Programme, on 17.01.2023, 25.01.2023, 20.02.2023 & 23.02.2023.
2) ECT Training is being imparted to the Civil Judge(Junior Division) during their Phase-II Induction Level Training Programme, on 03.07.2023, 05.07.2023, 12.07.2023 & 17.07.2023.
3) Master Trainer Programme for new Master Trainer Judicial Officers under the Special Drive Training and Outreach Programme of the E-Committee, Supreme Court of India to be held on 28.08.2023 and 29.08.2023.
E-Committee Special Drive Training & Outreach Programmes
i. Master Trainer Programme for New Master Trainers (ECT_03_2022) for Master Trainer Judicial Officers from 27.04.2022 to 29.04.2022.
ii. Programme for Court Managers & Administrative Head Staffs of District Judiciary (ECT_5_2022) for Administrative Head staff & Court Managers from every District on 30.04.2022.
iii. Refresher programme for Court Staff (ECT_9_2022) on 05.05.2022, 17.05.2022, 29.06.2022, 30.06.2022, 30.07.2022, 29.08.2022, 30.08.2022 and 31.08.2022.
iv. Refresher programme for Court Staff & N step Training (ECT_8_2022) for Sheristaders, Head Clerks, Accountants, Nazirs & Process Servers posted in all the District Head Quarter and the Sub Divisions on 29.07.2022.
v. Induction Level training programme for District Judge (Entry Level) [ECT-18] for Additional District & Sessions Judges on 1.12.2022, 02.12.2022 & 9.12.2022.
1. West Bengal Judicial Academy organized Colloquium on “Law governing grant of interim order in suits, writ applications and intellectual property matters”, through Video Linkage On Sunday, January 17, 2021.
2. Colloquium on “Judicial Ethics” for District Judges and Judicial Officers from nearby districts and Registrars of the Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta on 06.02.2021.
1. Inaugural Ceremony of Online training classes and webinars, through video linkage at Conference Hall, WBJA on Monday, September 28, 2020 at 5.00 p.m.
2. Virtual Refresher Course conducted by UNICEF in collaboration with WBJA with participation of the Principal Magistrates of Juvenile Justice Boards in West Bengal on 19.11.2020.
3. Virtual Refresher Course conducted by UNICEF in collaboration with WBJA on 20.11.2020 with participation of Addl. District & Sessions Judges who are presiding over POCSO Courts in West Bengal.
4. West Bengal Judicial Academy & The Hon’ble Juvenile Justice Committee, High Court At Calcutta conducted The Sensitization Programme On POCSO Act And Juvenile Justice Act through Video Linkage On Sunday, December 6, 2020.
5. West Bengal Judicial Academy organized Colloquium on “Bail And Anticipatory Bail- Constitutional Sanction and the Principles Governing their Grant”, through Video Linkage on Sunday, December 13, 2020.
6. West Bengal Judicial Academy organized Colloquium on “Law governing grant of interim order in suits, writ applications and intellectual property matters”, through Video Linkage On Sunday, January 17, 2021.
1. One Day Non-Residential Training on Mediation and Sensitization Programme for the Referral Judges/Judicial Officers of West Bengal under the aegis of Mediation & Conciliation Project Committee, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India organised by Mediation and Conciliation Committee, High Court, Calcutta with SLSA, West Bengal and WBJA started from 1st February, 2019 and continued till 1st of June, 2019 at West Bengal Judicial Academy
2. 40 Hours Mediation Training Programme (Phase-II) for Judicial Officers and Advocates of different districts of West Bengal organised by Mediation and Conciliation Committee, High Court, Calcutta, SLSA, West Bengal and WBJA under the aegis of Mediation & Conciliation Project Committee, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India from 25th to 29th June, 2019 at WBJA
3. Sensitization Programme on issues related to Commercial Courts Act, 2015 on 29th June, 2019 at WBJA
4. Consultation on Child Protection and Implementation of Juvenile Justice Act organised by SLSA, West Bengal in collaboration with Bachpan Bachao Andolan on 27th and 28th July, 2019 at WBJA
5. Residential Mediation Training Programme for the Secretaries of DLSA of West Bengal & Andaman & Nicobar Islands under the aegis of Mediation and Conciliation Committee, High Court, Calcutta in association with SLSA, West Bengal & Andaman & Nicobar Islands & WBJA on 5th and 6th August, 2019.
6. One Day Non-residential Training Programme on Commercial Court Act and other Commercial Laws, at WBJA on 14th September, 2019 for District & Sessions Judges and Judges of Commercial Court.
7. One day Annual Commendation Ceremony for Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs) and DLSAs of West Bengal conducted by WBSLSA held at West Bengal Judicial Academy on 02.11.2019.
8. Two days residential Training Programme on Child Psychology issues in consultation with UNICEF at WBJA on 09.11.2019 & 10.11.2019.
9. One day Mediation Awareness-cum-Workshop Programme organised under the aegis of Mediation & Conciliation Committee, High Court, Calcutta at WBJA on 17.11.2019.
1. One day Sensitization Programme on “Adoption” for District Judges and ADJs posted in West Bengal held on 08.12.2018 at the West Bengal Judicial Academy.
2. One day Commendation Ceremony for Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs) and DLSAs of West Bengal held at West Bengal Judicial Academy on 02.11.2018.
3. 20 Hours Capsule Course on Mediation organized by Mediation and Conciliation Project Committee (MCPC), Supreme Court of India held at West Bengal Judicial Academy from 04.10.2018 to 06.10.2018.
4. One Day training on “Nyaya Vikas” Web Portal/Mobile Application for the Ld. District Judges of West Bengal along with one of their support staff held at West Bengal Judicial Academy on 29.09.2018.
5. 20 Hours Refresher training programme on Mediation under the aegis of Mediation and Conciliation Project Committee (MCPC), Supreme Court of India, held at West Bengal Judicial Academy from 07.09.2018 to 09.09.2018.
6. One day State Consultation on Child Protection in West Bengal organized by SLSA, West Bengal in association with Bachpan Bachao Andolan(BBA) for the ADJ holding POCSO courts in all districts, Secretaries of all DLSAs and Principal Magistrates of JJB, Kolkata held at West Bengal Judicial Academy on 25.08.2018.
7. One day Sensitization Programme on Adoption and Laws Relating to Adoption for the Ld. District Judges posted in West Bengal and Andaman & Nicobar Islands organized by West Bengal Judicial Academy on 11.08.2018.
8. One day Colloquium on Legal Services Activities, NALSA Schemes and Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, organized by SLSA, West Bengal held at West Bengal Judicial Academy on 03.05.2018.
9. One day Regional Programme on Mediation Awareness conducted by the Hon’ble Mediation & Conciliation Committee, High Court, Calcutta for the Judicial Officers of all ranks of West Bengal held at West Bengal Judicial Academy on 28.04.2018.
10. One Day Judicial Colloquium on Prevention of Human Trafficking to sensitize the Judicial Officers and other Stakeholders on Human Trafficking Issues for the Judges of POCSO Courts and Secretaries of DLSAs organized by West Bengal Judicial Academy in association with Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and SLSA, West Bengal on 24.03.2018.
11. Referral Judges Sensitization Programme for the Judicial Officers of various ranks in West Bengal held at West Bengal Judicial Academy from 16.02.2018 to 20.02.2018.
12. 40 Hours Mediation Training Programme for the Judicial Officers of various ranks in West Bengal held at West Bengal Judicial Academy from 16.02.2018 to 20.02.2018.
13. Regional Consultation for the Hon’ble Judges of various High Courts of Eastern Region to prepare Draft Rules on Electronic Evidence held at West Bengal Judicial Academy on 03.02.2018.
14. One Day Regional Meet of SLSAs of Eastern Region held at West Bengal Judicial Academy on 12.01.2018.
15. Two Days Residential Training Programme on Child Psychology issues in consultation with UNICEF, at West Bengal Judicial Academy, on 09.11.2019 & 10.11.2019
1. Advanced Training Skills for Trainers under the aegis of Mediation and Conciliation Project Committee (MCPC), Supreme Court of India, held at West Bengal Judicial Academy from 15.12.2017 to 17.12.2017.
2. One day Sensitization workshop held on 06.08.2017 for District Judges on “Adoption Related Issues” organized by West Bengal Judicial Academy and State Child Protection Society supported by UNICEF at West Bengal Judicial Academy, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata-700160
3. One day Workshop on “Compensation to Victims” organized by West Bengal State Legal Services Authority in collaboration with West Bengal Judicial Academy held on 17.06.2017 at West Bengal Judicial Academy, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata-700160.
4. One day Training programme on 'Advances in Forensic Science: Best Practices for Successful Investigation, Prosecution and Adjudication of Cyber Crimes’ held on 28th May, 2017 jointly organized by Microsoft, India & Truth Labs, India In collaboration with West Bengal Judicial Academy, Kolkata.
5. One day Consultative Workshop for the Officers who are holding the Special Court under the POCSO Act, in West Bengal, held on 22nd of April, 2017 at WBNUJS, Salt Lake – organized by the Centre for Child Rights, WBNUJS in collaboration with WBJA.
1. Two days Sentisization workshop on the "Issues related to expeditious disposal of cases under NDPS Act" on 23.07.2016 and 24.07.2016 at WBJA Conference Hall, Bijan Bhavan, Salt Lake.
2. One day training programme for the Principal Magistrates of Juvenile Justice Board on the newly enacted JJ Act, 2015 on 29/05/2016 at the Conference Hall of WBJA, Bijan Bhavan, Salt Lake.
3. One day training programme for the Judicial Magistrates on the Issues related to implementation of Bengal Excise Act on 22/05/2016 at the auditorium of the Sesquicentenary Building of the Hon'ble High Court, Calcutta.
4. One day training Programme for the Additional District and Sessions Judges on the POCSO Act, 2012 on 20/05/2016 at WBNUJS, Salt Lake.
5. One day Sensitization workshop for District Judges on Adoption related issues on 13/03/2016 at Hotel Hindusthan International, Kolkata.
1. One day Workshop for the Additional District and Sessions Judges on the Effective Implementation of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 on 12/12/2015 at Kenilworth Hotel, Kolkata.
2. One day Training/Workshop on Juvenile Justice Act, 2000 for the Principal Magistrates of Juvenile Justice Boards on 05/12/2015 at WBNUJS, Salt Lake.
3. One day Referral Judges Training Program on 'Mediation' for the ADJs, Civil Judge (Senior Division and Junior Division) and Judicial Magistrates on 29/11/2015 at WBJA.
4. Training/Workshop on various aspects of Juvenile Justice Act, 2000 for the Principal Magistrates of the J.J.Board on 27.06.2015 & 28.06.2015 at Hotel SONNET, Salt Lake, Kolkata.
5. NJA Regional Judicial Conference (East Zone-2) on Strengthening Justice Delivery System:Tools and Techniques organized by Hon'ble High Court, Calcutta, West Bengal Judicial Academy and National Judicial Academy, India from 30/01/2015 to 01/02/2015 at Novotel, Salt Lake.
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